Someone explain to Joe Biden the difference between a website and a text message short code
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images As Wednesday’s night’s Democratic debate came to a close, Joe Biden somehow confused and combined his campaign website and a text message short code in his closing statement. “Go to JOE 30330 and help me in this fight,” Biden said in his debate night send-off, apparently asking voters to text the number to receive updates from his campaign. But according to a later tweet from Biden’s staff , you weren’t even supposed to text the word “JOE,” but rather “JOIN” to that now viral number. Joe Biden either thinks he's going to be alive in 30330 or he has no idea what his own website is... — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) August 1, 2019 “With so much happening on the campaign, we want to make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest news. Text JOIN right now to 30330 to make sure you don’t miss a thing!” Biden’s Twitter account posted shortly after the flub, clearing up how exactly people could help support the campaign . Asking...