All the updates for Disney’s next Star Wars animated show, Star Wars Resistance
The third animated show from Dave Filoni
Star Wars: Episode IX will hit theaters a bit over a year from now, and that’ll likely be the last film in the franchise for a while. But while we won’t be getting a film a year, TV will be the new big home for Star Wars. a live action TV show and a revival of The Clone Wars for Disney’s upcoming streaming service, and this fall, we’re getting a new animated show called Star Wars Resistance. The show will be set a couple of years before the new sequel era films, The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, and is the third animated show from Dave Filoni, who created The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.
Star Wars Resistance will follow a young New Republic pilot named Kaz, who is recruited to join the Resistance by Poe Dameron. He’s assigned to the Colossus, a base floating on an ocean planet named Castilon. He joins a racing team on the base, but his real job is to look a First Order sympathizer, and report back to the Resistance.
Star Wars Resistance premieres on the Disney Channel on October 7th at 10PM. Follow along for all of the updates, trailers, and commentary.
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